Sunday, November 25, 2007

Episode 28 Video

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Episode 28 written updates

Elimination round started with group song mero aeuta sathi chha originally sang by Sugam Pokhrel

Ram thapa was absent. Om bikram bista and Rachana Gurung were guest judge.

Surya kiran lama and yuvraj were in bottom 2 and yuvraj was eliminated from this and he could not reach to top 4. when yuvraj was eliminated out, all were weeping. It was very sad momment.

Yuvraj Sang: Samjhera feri timilai


Surya Kiran sang - sara khushi sameti originally sang by Adrian pradhan.

sagar _ timro aakha ma

Tara_ nisthurai rahechu

Santosh_ ma maya garchu meri uuni lai originally by anil singh

this was all for that day. Video very soon.

Thanks to anshu.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

युवराज बाहिरिए

From Kantipur

युवराज बाहिरिए


काठमाडौं, नेपाली तारा-२ को उत्कृष्ट पा“चबाट युवराज तिवारी बाहिरिएका छन् । पोखरेली युवा प्रतिस्पर्धी शुक्रबारको संस्करणमा 'बटम लाइन' बाट उक्लन नसक्दा सबैका आ“खा रसाएका थिए ।

'अन्य साथी प्रतियोगिताबाट बाहिरि“दा रुने युवराज हामीलाई रुवाएर टप-५ बाट बाहिरि“दै छ,' कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोता स्वरूपराज आचार्य रुन्चे बोली बोलिरहेका थिए । युवराजले अन्तिम पटक नेपाली तारा-२ को मञ्चमा गाइरह“दा स्वरूपराज दर्शकका आ“खा छल्दै आ“सु चुहाइरहेका थिए । उत्कृष्ट चारमा परेका भोजपुरका राज सागर, धादिङका सन्तोष लामा, मोरङका र्सर्ूयकिरण लामा र झापाका तारा लक्समको अवस्था पनि त्यस्तै थियो ।

'आफू आउट हु“दा पनि मलाई त्यति नरमाइलो हु“दैनथ्यो होला,' सन्तोष भनिरहेका थिए- 'युवराज बाहिरि“दा अकस्मात आ“सु आयो ।'

पप गीतमा रुचि राख्ने युवराजको गायकीलाई नेपाली तारा-२ को सुरुआतबाटै निर्ण्ाायकहरूको मन जितेका थिए । अन्तिम चारमा पर्न दर्शकको भोट भने उनले उति पाउन सकेनन् ।

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according to my friend back in nepal yuvraj  is out today.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode 27

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

From eKantipur

Nepali Tara II heats up


Nepali Tara II is getting ever more exciting as it is reaching its final stages. With only six more participants to go, the remaining singers are all competitive. Yesterday, another artiste got eliminated and the competition has gotten even tougher.

Among the six remaining participants — Surya Kiran Lama, Yuvraj Tiwari, Santosh Lama, Raj Sagar, Rojina Gurung and Tara Laksham — Rojina was the only remaining female participant. However, as she was adjudged among the bottom three along with Surya and Santosh, and eventually eliminated, this signaled the end of any hope of a female Nepali Tara this year as well.

A disappointed Rojina said, “I'm sad that I was eliminated and I should have gone higher since I was the sole hope of Nepali women.”

She also had some words of advice for the female participants of the next edition of the show, “I ask all the hopefuls to prepare well if they want to be adorned as the Nepali Tara. I really want to see a female Nepali Tara next year.”

The show got rolling as the remaining participants vying for the coveted title gave their performance for the round. The round featured national songs, and thus, the participants tried their level best to sing their chosen songs.

There were two guest judges for the round — Tara Thapa and Muralidhar — apart from the permanent judge Deepak Jungum Shah.

First up was Surya Kiran Lama, who sang Gopal Yonzon's Deshle Ragat Mage, which received good feedback for his vocals. Yuvraj Tiwari came next and sang a rocking number which was not received very well by the judges. Although he was praised for his presentation, he was advised to choose songs which would appeal to the whole nation.

Santosh Lama came to perform the evergreen hit Mero Topi by Gopal Yonzon and was appreciated by Tara Thapa for his song selection. He received good comments from other judges as well.

Raj Sagar performed Bhakta Raj Acharya's Jahaan Chhan Buddhakaa Aankhaa which touched the heart of everyone present. He received very good comments from the judges except Muralidhar who had a few suggestions up his sleeve for Sagar.

The only remaining participant among the top five of this year's Nepali Tara, Tara Laksham, sang Karna Das' Thulaa Thulaa Mahal Hoina, which was adjudged the best performance of the day.

Muralidhar gave a few suggestions to all the participants at the end, “I liked everyone's voice. All that everyone lacks is a lot of practice. So my suggestion is that if anyone wants to win in this competition, then they will need to put in a lot of practice.”

The show ended with a song from Satya Raj and Sworup Raj Acharya, sons of Bhakta Raj Acharya.

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From Nepal Samacharpatra

नेपाली ताराका उत्कृष्ट पाँच छनोट

विदेशी टेलिभिजन र त्यसका कार्यक्रमको मिचाइका कारण चम्किन नसकेको ताराका रूपमा संर्घष्ाका साथ अगाडि बढिरहेको नेपालको सांगीतिक प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक कार्यक्रम क्लोजअप नेपाली तारा २ उत्कृष्ट पाँचको छनोट चरणसम्म पुगेको छ।
दोस्रो अडिसनको यो प्रतियोगिताको उत्कृष्ट पाँच छनोट कार्य बुधबार दिउँसो कुपन्डोलस्थित ग्रुप फोर स्टुडियोमा सम्पन्न भएको छ। नेपाल टेलिभिजनको प्रसारणमा रहेको यो गायन प्रतियोगिताको आगामी शुक्रबार प्रसारण हुने शृंखलाका लागि चलाइएको प्रतिस्पर्धाबाट छ प्रतिस्पर्धीमध्ये एक मात्र महिला प्रतिस्पर्धी रोजिना गुरुङ बाहिरिएकी छन्।
दीपक जंगम, तारा थापा र मुरलिधरको निर्णायकमण्डलले राज सागर, तारा लक्सम, सन्तोष लामा, युवराज तिवारी र र्सूयकिरण लामालाई उत्कृष्ट पाँचको सूचीमा चयन गरेको छ।
११ हजार ३ सय ४५ गायनप्रतिभाले स्पर्धाका लागि आवेदन गरेको तथा ३ सय ३५ प्रतिभाले स्पर्धा गरेको क्लोजअप नेपाली तारा २ मा उत्कृष्ट ४०, २० र १० को प्रतिस्पर्धामा खरो महिला प्रतियोगीका रूपमा अगाडि बढ्दै उत्कृष्ट ६ को सूचीसम्म पुगेकी रोजिना आगामी शृंखलाको स्पर्धाबाट बाहिरिएपछि अब यो प्रतियोगिता महिला गायनप्रतिभारहित हुने भएको छ।
अबका शृंखलाबाट १-१ प्रतिभा बाहिरिँदै गई अन्त्यमा दुइ प्रतिभाबीच स्पर्धा हुने र नेपाली तारा २ छानिने यसका निर्देशक राजेन्द्र शलभले जानकारी गराए।
ँक्लोजअप नेपाली तारा २ का अन्तिम दुइ प्रतियोगीले लन्डन गई त्यहाँ पनि स्पर्धा गर्नेछन् तर निर्ण्ाायक स्पर्धा भने काठमाडौंमै हुनेछ’ -निर्देशक शलभले जानकारी गराए। शलभका अनुसार लन्डनको नेपाली टेलिभिजन च्यानल ग्यालेक्सी टेलिभिजनको प्रायोजनमा अन्तिम दुइ प्रतिस्पर्धीले स्पर्धा गर्नेछन्।
नवप्रतिभालाई प्रेरित गर्न सञ्चालन गरिएको क्लोजअप नेपाली तारा २ मा उपाधि जित्ने प्रतिभाले नगद २ लाख २५ हजारका साथमा बजाजको डिस्कभर मोटरसाइकल हासिल गर्नेछन् भने फस्ट रनरअपले ५० र सेकेन्ड रनरअपले २५ हजार पाउनेछन्।
यसबाहेक नेपाली तारा २ ले आयोजकका तर्फबाट सोलो अडियो एल्बम तथा म्युजिक भिडियो बजारमा ल्याउने मौका पाउनेछन्। त्यसै गरी अन्तिम ३ प्रतिस्पर्धीका लागि मलेसिया तथा नेपाली तारा हुनेले मलेसिया र सिंगापुर घुम्ने मौका पाउने व्यवस्था पनि रहेको छ।

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from Kantipur

नेपाली तारामा पुरुषमात्र
काठमाडौं, अमेरिकाबाट सुरु भएको अमेरिकन आइडलको लहर इन्डियन आइडल हुँदै नेपालमा आइपुग्दा यति बेला नेपाली सांगीतिक आकाशका ताराहरू खोज्ने दोस्रो नेपाली तारा जारी छ ।
झन्डै १२ हजार प्रतियोगीबीचबाट उत्कृष्ट पाँचमा पुग्दा महिला शून्य भए । अर्थात् महिला प्रतिस्पर्धीको नेतृत्व गरिरहेकी रोजिना गुरुङ बुधबार नेपाली तारा-२ बाट बाहिरिन्, उत्कृष्ट महिला प्रतिस्पर्धीको उपाधि लिएर ।
नेपाली तारा-२ को उपाधिका लागि अब पुरुष प्रतिस्पर्धी मात्र छन् । युवराज तिवारी, राज सागर, सन्तोष लामा, सूर्यकिरण लामा र तारा लक्सम उनीहरू पनि सातामा एक-एक गर्दै बाहिरिन्छन् ।
यो पटकको बटम-३ मा परेका सन्तोष लामा जित्न दर्शकको भोट आवश्यक हुने बताउँछन् । बटम-३ बाट सुरक्षित बनेका सूर्यकिरण लामा पनि
दर्शकको भोटलाई सफलताको श्रेणी मान्छन् ।
पहिलो नेपाली तारामा उत्कृष्ट बीसबाट बाहिरिएपछि दोस्रो पटक भाग लिएका तारा लक्सम भन्छन्- 'तारा त म छँदैछु, अगाडि नेपाली मात्र थप्न बाँकी छ ।' गीत गाइसकेर फर्किँदै गर्दा आत्तिरहेका पोखराका युवराज तिवारी नेपाली तारा बनिन्छ, बनिँदैन भन्न नसक्ने बताउँछन् ।
'प्रतिस्पर्धा कडा छ, सबै जना उस्तै छौं मूल्याङ्कनको जिम्मा निणर्ायक र दर्शकमा ।' भोजपुरका राज सागर नेपाली ताराको उपाधिको पहिलो दावेदार आफू नै रहेको प्रतिक्रिया दिन्छन् ।
'नेपाली तारा म नै बन्नुपर्छ, किन कि मैले कडा मिहिनेत गरेको छु ।'
उत्कृष्ट दसमा परेका प्रतिस्पर्धी धेरै समय सँगै रहे । कन्सर्टका लागि विभिन्न ठाउँ गए । क्लोज क्याम्पमा बसे । तर हरेक साता एक-एक गर्दै उनीहरू छुटिँदैछन् । 'झन्डै २ महिना संँगै बसियो, आज नेपाली तारा-२ बाट बाहिरिँदाभन्दा साथीहरूसँग छुटिँदा नरमाइलो लागेको छ,' रोजिनाले भनिन् । युवराज पनि एकपछि अर्को साथी छुटिएर जाँदा नरमाइलो लाग्ने बताउँछन् । 'प्रतिस्पर्धाको हिसाबमा प्रतिस्पर्धी बाहिरिँदा त खुसी हुनुपर्ने हो तर आत्मियताको हिसाबले म दुःखी हुन्छु, अब यो क्षण हाम्रो जीवनमा कहिल्यै फर्किंदैन,' राज सागरको पनि अनुभव त्यही छ, 'साथीहरू हरेक साता छुट्नु पर्दा के-के गुमाए जस्तो भान भइरहेको छ ।'

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Article of Kantipur Online

Singers are coming out of the shower

By Pawan Neupane

“The mileage I've got from it; it would have taken me 20 years to achieve this had I struggled on my own,” says Dipak Limbu about the first Nepali Tara singing competition he won two years ago. “The biggest thing it gave me was recognition. I got many opportunities, and I am quite busy today.”

After his success in Nepali Tara, Dipak has sung in a number of Nepali films, collection albums and concerts, and is currently working on his first solo album. In contrast, Bishnu Chemjong of Dharan, who won the Nepal Star singing competition on Nepal 1 at around the same time as Dipak, is still relatively unheard of in Nepali music.

That's the Nepali version of today's reality TV talent show for you, which comes with an alluring prospect of gaining quick recognition and popularity with one's talent and making it big on the national stage along with a huge pile of prize money and lots of albums and concerts. However, while some have been able to cash in on that success, others have found it hard to take it further and have faded back into oblivion.

Says Dipak, “Platforms like Nepali Tara are a great opportunity for singing talents, but it rests solely on the individual to maintain and carry forward the success and popularity achieved.”

Musician Nhyoo Bajracharya echoes a similar view, “Winning the contest itself is not the height of success, there's struggle after that too.” He is one of the judges in The Band Vaskar, another reality TV talent show being aired on Nepal Television.

The show aims at creating a musical outfit comprising the best male and female vocalists, lead guitarist, bass guitarist, rhythm guitarist, drummer and keyboardist from among the thousands of young talents from across the country as well as Darjeeling and Sikkim in India. It has already completed six episodes of its first round in Kathmandu, and auditions will also be held in Lalitpur, Pokhara, Dharan, Butwal/Narayanghat, Darjeeling and Sikkim starting after Tihar.

The first round of each region will select the eight best groups, from which three will be chosen in the next round before the best group is declared from each region. The grand finale will then be held in Kathmandu among the best groups from all the regions. The winner of The Band Vaskar will get Rs 500,000 and a chance to record two albums and perform at concerts at different venues.

Meanwhile, Nepali Tara 2, the second edition of Nepali Tara, has also eliminated the contestants to its last seven finalists - Raj Sagar, Rojina Gurung, Santosh Lama, Suraj Thapa, Surya Kiran Lama, Tara Bahadur Laksam and Yuvraj Tiwari.

The winner of Nepali Tara 2 will get Rs 250,000, a Bajaj Discover motorcycle, a fully paid trip to Singapore and Malaysia for two and a chance to record an album among others.

Maniram Kuikel, managing director of SEGA & RGB Vision Pvt Ltd which is presenting The Band Vaskar in association with Media Hub, says that it was a difficult task in Nepal's context to formulate the concept of creating a musical group comprising the best talent from different fields. “While other shows were about finding singing talent, we decided to bring out the hidden guitarists, drummers and keyboardists too.”

He adds, “We launched the program at prime time on NTV, which made it possible for viewers without cable access to watch too. And we're satisfied with the sponsors also.”

Rajendra Shalabh, director of Nepali Tara 2, has a few reasons to be dissatisfied, though. He says, “Reality TV shows are the most popular form of television programs worldwide today, and the reason is public involvement. We started the show following this global trend, but we have not been as successful as other countries."

He sees three factors behind the lackluster performance. First, it is the lack of a big budget which makes it difficult to produce a flashy show. Shalabh adds, “The audience wants gloss and richness, and so switches to programs on foreign channels. The biggest irony is that NTV has mono sound.”

Secondly, he points to political reasons which make it difficult to plan and conduct auditions in different parts of the country. The third factor is the problem of finding TV channels to air the shows.

“NTV doesn't promote outside productions. The same show would get much more publicity in private TV channels, but sponsors say that these channels don't have a wide reach,” Shalabh explains. “There is nobody to encourage us, and that includes the print media too. There are lots of difficulties.”

As Shalabh points out, the main factor behind the popularity of reality TV shows is the maximum participation of the audience. No wonder, then, that they play a major role in deciding the fate of the contestants by their votes via telephone, SMS and the web.

Doesn't that create the possibility that the most deserving participant might not become the eventual winner?

“Pop music is like that, and even someone who knows little about music could compose a beautiful song,” says Nhyoo Bajracharya, “Moreover, judges are also human and could miss a number of factors while evaluating a performance. So I'm positive about the public voting system too.”

Veteran composer and singer Deepak Jangam, who has been a judge in both editions of Nepali Tara, says, “Yes, there's no guarantee that the best talent will emerge from public voting, and there have also been cases of the public being unhappy with the results of some shows in other countries. The fact is that we have a habit of adopting whatever the West does.”

However, both Nhyoo and Deepak are extremely positive about the impact of such reality TV shows.

Nhyoo says that such shows give new talent a platform to show their skills, and Deepak feels that it has helped the film and music industry a lot.

He adds, “Whatever the organizers have conceived may not materialize completely because there's still a lack of sadhana. Also, Nepali society still has to learn to appreciate good things. But these shows are bringing talents from all over the country to the national stage.

“We auditioned nearly 20,000 contestants in several places of the country during the past two years. And the difference I noticed between the first and second Nepali Tara was that musical activities had increased a lot with more people willing to learn music and show their talent.”

Well, winning such contests could bring fortunes to the winner. But if one fails, does that mean it is the end of the road for the individual?

By no means. One fine example is singer Dibya Subba who participated in the Nepal Star contest. He says that he left the show after making it to the top 15 round in Kathmandu because he was dissatisfied with the show's management, and denies having any regrets about his decision to quit the contest.

“I didn't believe I would be Nepal Star, and I don't think I would've been more successful even if I'd won it,” says Dibya who has recently released his second album Pariwartan after Pratha. “But these shows do give a platform for thousands of aspirants to realize their dreams.”

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Episode 26 (Nov 9) Tihar Special Video

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Episode 26 (november 9) Tihar Special updates

Tihar Special

First group song on Tihar

Welcome of judges

Special Judge : Rekha Thapa who gave break to Deepak Limbu (Previous Nepali Tara) in her film 'Himmat'.

Bottom 3-> Raj Sagar, Rojina and Suraj

Rojina declared save first.

then judges view, then Suraj Thapa was declared to be out.

Suraj Thapa sang K soche maile K bhayo ahile

Then Raj Sagar- hasera bola bahini tihar ko bela ma


deepak jangam: adha note badhi gaako bhaye ramro hunthyo

ram: low ma alli ramro suninna

rekha: voice man paryo

then Santosh: priyasi, hey meri priyasi by nima rumba

Deepak: good, improving

Ram Thapa: shabda clear bujhiyena

Rekaha: performance bhanda gauna concentration garnuhola

Rojina: Maitighar

Deepak: good

Ram Thapa: awaj pani maanchhe jastai ramro banau,

Rekha: nayika hunu parne manchhe gayika kina??

Surya Kiran Lama: mero kalpana ma aaja euti pari (maile tyahi bhayera ma parako) by deepak limbu

Ram: geet suit bhayena

Deepak: yasma usle afno khubi dekhauna sakena

Rekha: yo geet garho thiyo, udit lai gauna lauda 4-5 din lagchha bhannubhayo, pachhi deepak le 2-3 din ko preparation ma gayo, timile ramro garyau

Tara Laxman: Bhare aauchhu sapani ma

Deepak: Ramro, aba timi keta keti chhanau

Ram: aja Ramro garnu

Rekha: good luck

Yuvraj: man ko dailo kholi raakha hai by sugam pokhrel

Deepak: Shabda ma cleraity lyaunu, ani pick up alii mildaina aru thik chha

Ram: note perfect lagaunu, ek thauma jhannai fuskeko

Rekha: maile gayak gayika bhanda nayak nayika badhi dekhi raachhu

LG set gift to best voter re, tara aaja uha chahi aaja aaunubhayena

Next week: Rastriya Geetharu

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Episode 25 (Nov 2) video

check this out


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Monday, November 5, 2007

Episode 25

UPDATE: Sweta, Rojina and Surya Kiran were in bottom 3

Sweta got eliminated and sang Mai chhori Sundari


Yubraj sang aamaile sodhlin ni khai chhora bhanlin

My friend tuned into later so, who is out and how, I and she dont know, but I will tell you later.....

Kunti Moktan was guest today.

Yuvraj sang the song but what??

suraj thapa sang the song : kalkate kaaiyo


surya kiran lama:kati baschu maiti kai gharma.


After sweta is Out, Rojina Gurung only the female artist remaining and sang khau ta bhane sunatala pani

 sirai ma sirbandi, i guess this song if not just enjoy this song

Raj sagar : aru kalo rel ko dhuaule ma kalo chata na odnale

source: ishans page on immeem

Tara Laxman(sweet Smile): unkai chori taruni hamilai ke ko dos(SUCH A stupid song (re hai mero saathile bhaneko))

ani mailo yo geet chahi paina la

Santosh:THOK na madal thok

Finally, satya and swarup sang the song soltini and all danced .

Thanks to anshu......for these updates

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